If you're like us, you love holistic health and would choose supplements or herbs over prescriptions any day. You probably have a medicine cabinet full of essential oils, colloidal silver and homeopathic remedies. You love grounding outside, drinking pure water, and eating clean, BUT, still struggle with symptoms or issues that you'd LOVE to resolve. 

The FACT is that most physical symptoms are emotionally-based, and are rooted deep in the subconscious mind.

This means that even with holistic medicine, YOU WILL BE CHASING SYMPTOMS FOREVER... unless you experience energetic healing.

I don't know about you...

but I cannot stand to waste my time or money, when I want just want RELIEF! When I learned there IS an all-natural way to address physical and emotional suffering that is highly-effective and leaves me with solutions versus confusion... I was IN.

This method is the exact one that I use DAILY on my family, and now you too can reap the benefits of advanced ENERGETIC HEALING with our 'Done for You' 4 week Healing Program.

-Katrina Woodville 



When you join the 4 week 'Done for You Healing' Program

you will get...


 POWERFUL energetic healing sessions done on yourself or a family member, targeting a specific issue, w/detailed reports. 


The healing happens while you sleep, eat and go about your day,

so sign up below, and get ready for results!

We'll do the rest.

I want to do this!


Check out these results! 


YES, I want results like these!


Watch our video to learn how it works!





 Sign up below

(Limited availability) 

Cost is $1300 per month and includes four distance healing sessions 


*MANY client symptoms have been completely resolved with this package, while for chronic issues you may need additional months.

**The person receiving the energy work must give permission (unless under age 18)


Questions? You can contact us at [email protected]