Muscle-testing is a biofeedback technique that is commonly used by Chiropractors to help them diagnose and correct client ailments.  

It uses the muscles of the body to compare positive and negative statements in order to find the accurate response via the wisdom of the subconscious mind.

Muscle-testing can be used by anyone to test others or themselves in order to find the optimal food/supplements, as well as make life decisions regarding career, relationships and more. 

If you want to be able to verify your intuition and live a life in alignment with what is best for you... 

you NEED this skill! 

When you get the CRUCIAL Healing 'Muscle testing Class'  you will learn...



How to communicate with the vast storage of your subconscious mind 


How to self muscle-test and our best tips for honing this highly valuable skill


The many ways that testing can be used to enhance your life! 

This class was awesome... I love testing now! -Tabitha T.



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