The power of the subconscious mind
Consider yourself a truther?
Then read on to discover one of the most important TRUTHS there is.
Subconscious reprogramming is a method that utilizes muscle-testing, allowing the practitioner the ability to communicate with the deepest aspects of the clients mind to pinpoint and remove emotional trauma.
Even in the spiritual/healing communities, this technique is not very well known about!
WHY is it vital for true transformation?
It is because of how powerful the subconscious mind is compared to the conscious mind. The subconscious is responsible for 90-95% of our daily thinking, which it does AUTOMATICALLY, based on the contents of what is stored inside this massive memory bank. This means that ALL of our life experiences including every single sight, sound, smell and feeling is used to help our mind determine what to focus on.
The subconscious mind is like a super computer… but there are VERY specific rules regarding how it operates. The subconscious mind is concerned with survival. It is constantly trying to help us determine the optimal decisions to stay SAFE. Humans today though, have evolved to be focused not only on basic survival… but also creating a life where they can THRIVE.
This means that your extremely powerful subconscious mind is often working against-
-your goals of success
-deeply connected relationships
-raising children to be happy
-your ability to be seen and heard
in order to stay SAFE.
In fact, it gets even worse after we experience trauma because the subconscious stores information about what happened, and creates mechanisms in the form of programs (like a computer) to help the individual avoid any similar situation going forward. That means ANY association that you have with a traumatic experience, from ANY point in your life… your mind is spending enormous amounts of energy to repel you from!
That could include-
-certain people
-certain places
-certain topics
-certain movements
-certain feelings
-certain memories
-certain activities etc.
Are you getting the point?
THIS is why you have a hard time starting that new activity that you’ve been meaning to do for months… because of trauma from age 7.
THIS is why you have a hard time talking on the phone to your sibling and get itchy every time you do…because of trauma from age 2 that you don’t even remember.
THIS is why you have a hard time when you think about taking your kids to the playground and always come up with an excuse… because of trauma from age 11.
THIS is why you have a hard time confronting your husband about something that hurts your feelings even though it would help you two connect in a way that you yearn for, because of trauma from age 17 that is about a completely different person (but similar topic).
THIS is how powerful your subconscious mind is… it can LITERALLY create physical reactions, mental fears, pain and stress, organ malfunctions and more… just to keep you from doing or thinking certain things. The subconscious mind is not wise, it is literal. It does NOT care what your conscious goals and dreams are. It cares about surviving at ANY cost.
So… IF you want to do more than just survive, if you want to be able to experience whatever you desire and live beyond the parameters of what your subconscious mind has verified is SAFE for you, you HAVE to reprogram your subconscious mind! There is no other way.
Your mind is SO powerful that it will stop you from doing something if it wants to. Your conscious mind cannot overpower it… but you CAN retrain it. It takes certain techniques of deprogramming the former information, and then reprogramming what you consciously want it to do.
No, repeating affirmations is NOT how you do this.
I am an expert on this topic, and I have run HUNDREDS of experiments over the past few years, to learn HOW to best reprogram the super computer that is the subconscious mind. The methods that my husband and I have created are providing our clients with FAST results such as-
-internal bleeding stopping within a day
-less desire to drink alcohol
-life-long anxiety disappearing
-night terrors stopping immediately
-chronic headaches being resolved
-new clients signing up within days
-relationships improving
-a better outlook on life
-weight loss without dieting
-a renewed connection with God
and more.
If you want to step into your full potential and stop repeating the same patterns over and over, it’s time that you worked with a professional who can offer results that almost no doctor, therapist, or business coach can! Subconscious reprogramming is the healing method of the FUTURE.
If you want IN… we have very limited availability so take the leap!
We only work with people who are READY and excited to uplevel their life. We hope that you are able to imagine your DREAM LIFE, and realize that you CAN achieve your goals much faster once you reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your conscious desires.
-Katrina Woodville