Subconscious programming can inhibit manifestation.

Negative programming can become stuck in the subconscious mind (and energy field) when we are in a vulnerable state. This programming can be from songs, movies, newscasts, or even something that someone said. The effects of such programming follows us throughout our lives, and can be devastating.
For example…if someone is trying to launch a new business, but they have programming that says “I’ll never succeed”, they can find it almost impossible to achieve success! They may have an optimal business plan, a blossoming network, and money to invest, but the subconscious mind will constantly create frustrating circumstances to hinder their success and fulfill the programming.
Or, perhaps a person was confident most of their life, but once during a traumatic event someone told them that they “are a loser”. This phrase can become trapped in the subconscious and play on repeat when they experience any self-doubt. The combination of the powerful emotions felt during that event and the constant repetition that attempts to convince their conscious mind that they are indeed a loser, could destroy their previous confidence!
Another example is that someone may have had such programming since they were a child, so that they don’t really even know what life could be like without it. They might look around them and see people who find it easier to be happy, and they don’t know why they struggle. It seems unfair that the mind works this way, but it is because we have built-in survival mechanisms that strive to help us avoid danger.
Negative programming can create unnecessary suffering, and even wrapping your head around this fact can take some time. The implications seem to never end… someone may even wonder if this could be the root cause for societal dysfunction.
The truth is that it IS.
People that had rough childhoods, experienced severe trauma in adulthood, or spent a lot of time around depressed or mentally ill people, can have more programming than others. After becoming adept at energy healing, my partner Corbin and I realized that we both fell into that category. We considered ourselves good, hardworking people, but found it extremely difficult to achieve the progress we strived for.
So we went ‘all in’, and decided to clear as much of this programming as possible.
We spent YEARS diligently pin-pointing and clearing these negative statements from our subconscious minds, and saw incredible results. It became more effortless to think clearly, and discover our true selves without the constant bombardment of negative thinking caused by programming.
Now, we help others do the same, so that they too can become unburdened by the traumatizing situations they once experienced and the long-lasting effects. If you would like to rid yourself of negative programming, energy healing can help!
It is important to work with qualified practitioners that have experienced this work themselves. At CRUCIAL, we take the healing work that we do very seriously, and by utilizing various muscle-testing techniques we can make sure that our methods are effective.
If this sounds like something you NEED, don't hesitate to invest in yourself!
Learn more about CRUCIAL healing (done via distance) here-
-Katrina Woodville