Healing requires courage, self-awareness, and support.

Healing is a very serious topic.
It lately has become a buzz word…but many are misrepresenting how difficult it can be to effectively heal a major mental/emotional issue. Thinking you can do a few talk therapy or healing sessions and be ‘healed’ is ludicrous! 
Imagining that you can heal from childhood abuse in a year or so, is just not realistic.
Sharing memes about spirituality, getting reiki done, and buying a lot of crystals is NOT how you heal on a psychological level.
Healing IS about- Acceptance, cultivating self-love, and firm boundaries. It’s about learning that making your own needs a top priority… is NOT selfish. 
Healing requires courage, self-awareness, and support.
Removing abusive people from your life takes courage. Someone is abusive if they try to control you, if they are two-faced, and if they are demeaning towards you. It doesn’t matter if it is a parent, boss, sibling, friend or co-worker, these behaviors should not be acceptable. It is up to you to decide what treatment you will allow, and to enforce it if people cross your boundaries. Boundaries are non-negotiable, if someone doesn’t respect your ability to choose for yourself, they are abusive. Even someone who ‘wants to help’, cannot do so without your consent. If they try, they will create bad karma for themself. When we settle for what is easy versus what is best, we may find ourselves surrounded with people that make life harder instead of better.
Being proud of your strengths and working on your weaknesses takes self-awareness.
Many people focus on their strengths, and ignore the aspects of their life that need dire help. This is because it can feel overwhelming to tackle an issue where we have failed before or don’t have the life experience to know how to improve it. This is where investing in a mentor can change your life. Hiring someone to help you see and address your blind spots can aid you in achieving a more well-rounded personality. There isn’t much point in holding onto shame about your weak areas, if you are taking the steps to grow, because we ALL have weak points! Shame can be another block to making progress in areas of your life that are needed, so remembering to release the shame and embrace your current effort is best.
Connecting with other healthy-minded humans as well as animals can bring much needed support. We are wired to live in small communities, where people know each others' name and are helpful and kind. Since this is not the case in the larger urban areas, our sense of connection as a society has suffered. The online world is not a healthy substitute, as we need to be able to look into people eyes and hug and touch them for true fulfillment! Living alone can be highly detrimental for most people, at minimum having an affectionate pet is optimal.
Healing has become a popular topic, but it is still a misunderstood one. If you want to explore what it really means… it WILL cause uncomfortable feelings and require change. 
So take a moment, close your eyes and ask yourself, are you truly ready to commit to your healing journey?
If so, our CRUCIAL trauma healing course (for women) is exactly what you need. Learn how to become an energy healer, and discover your truth via this self-led course.
-Katrina Woodville