A divinely guided life (our story)
Years ago my husband and I both worked away from home. Like most couples, we barely saw each other and when we did we were tired and had chores to do. I dreamed of a better life, and KNEW we weren’t born to work our lives away.
He worked a 9-5 tech job and I, after closing my storefront dojo to move across the country to be with him, was working part-time gigs as a nanny and personal assistant. I hated having to witness him get up while still dark and drive 45 minutes to and from work (sometimes in freezing temps) in addition to the 8 hours he was there. I also despised dealing with the poor attitude of my adult clients when they had a bad day and took it out on anyone around.
I was dedicated to creating something else for us, and I began buying and reselling furniture from Facebook marketplace which was actually fun. I would find underpriced and popular items, clean and detail them and resell within days. We used our truck to pick up the tables etc, and I even learned how to tie them down myself. It was the perfect job for an agorist…but it still wasn’t the life I was meant for.
We began muscle-testing in 2018 and everything changed.
We practiced by testing anything and everything, and learned how to tap into the wisdom of our Higher Selves. We realized that these aspects of us, that knew us better than we knew ourselves, had specific advice regarding how to create our ‘dream life’.
Eventually we were guided to move out of the city suburbs, to an entirely different state, one that I had never even been to. I looked online, and quickly found the perfect home to rent, and by ‘chance’ we were the first ones to apply for it, in a very tight market. Like magic we got the house, and without even seeing it in person we packed up our belongings and drove the 5 hours during winter (yikes).
Within a year, the pandemic hit.
We found ourselves in an area that was likely one of the most lax about the public restrictions, AND moving had given him the opportunity to switch to a remote job for his company. Instead of living in a place where masks were required EVERYWHERE, we felt like life was pretty normal in our new town. THIS was why we were guided to move!
Life continued and we kept listening to this divine guidance, literally verified by our muscle-testing. Next we were asked to have him QUIT his comfortable, stay-at-home job and go into energy healing full time. This sounded pretty ridiculous as we didn’t have enough savings to rationalize the risk, and he had finally gotten a job that he had wanted for years! Nonetheless, we knew we needed to listen… and he left his job.
The next few months were hard, we even had to sell some of our prized belongings to make it work, but we stayed faithful. Then the coolest thing happened. We launched our first group coaching program that offered energy healing and spiritual coaching and made $30,000 without any paid marketing. We were blown away!
The guidance had paid off (literally) again!
We were now complete believers in living a life guided by our Higher Selves/Higher Power. We enjoyed a fun vacation to Phoenix during December and ate at the best restaurants and drove ATVs in the desert. Then we came home and worked through winter on our cozy couch, bathed in red light therapy, eating top-notch organic food beside our kitties.
and from there we decided to finally start our family, and got pregnant on the first try!
Life had changed SO much, and if we had listened to our fears, and the skeptics along the way we would have never experienced such an uplevel.
Now, we continue to live by the guidance even when our egos don’t agree. It’s NOT easy, but we believe this is how God wants people to follow their intuition. Now we teach others how to muscle-test, clear trauma that blocks divine guidance (yes most people are unable to receive what they pray for because of damage to their energy fields), and live a life guided by their Higher Selves for ultimate happiness and spiritual success.
If you are the kind of person that is courageous enough to dive in to this lifestyle, it won’t be easy at first. You have to take the leap and then stay steady while things begin to shift and it can be scary! This is why most people do not follow their intuition but instead live according to their ego selves.
Some people even *think* they live a divinely guided life…
but they are mistaken because subconscious programming is very manipulative and disguises itself as intuition. Life CAN be better, but I’m here to say that it won’t be unless you learn to discern and follow true guidance. Wishing for a better life isn’t enough. You must take aligned action, and it WILL challenge you to step outside your comfort zone.
If you feel ready, and have been searching for a way to improve your health, wealth, relationships and more… we want to help you finally achieve YOUR DREAM LIFE too!
We offer a free video class where you can learn the life-changing skill of muscle-testing and all of our best tips for implementing it into your life.
Sign up for it here- www.crucialhealing.com/learntotest
-Katrina Woodville