Everyone has childhood trauma, it's a question of how much.

Are you willing to confront your life story? 
Child brains (and even adults) repress trauma, aka highly stressful events. That means you don’t remember the worst things that have happened to you. That fact can be hard to accept, especially when the things you can remember are f’d up. 
This is why many people think they have far less trauma than they actually do. This is a problem because then they cannot make the connection between their current struggles and the root cause, which is almost always childhood trauma. How can you find out the actual facts? Your subconscious MIND and BODY store the truth. You can try to avoid it (like most do) but it will catch up to you eventually as irritability and disease.
To confront your story as I have done with mine, you start by having a professional muscle-test your childhood trauma level on a scale of 1-10. This isn’t an opinion that they share, it is what your own subconscious mind relays to them. 
This is the breakdown of what we teach/use in Crucial Healing-
Level 0-3 Low trauma
Level 3-5 Moderate trauma
Level 5-8 High trauma
Level 8+ Extremely high trauma
Most of the clients that come to us have moderate to high trauma… but they often think they’ve had little to no trauma. This is how uneducated the public is about this VITAL topic!
Unfortunately, people with trauma over an 8 are often not able to be rehabbed. They are likely to be non-functional addicts or currently imprisoned, or have become abusers themselves.
People with 0-3 are often happier and more successful than the majority. Life seems ‘easier’ for these people as they don’t have very disfigured energy fields that send out negative signals to other people and the universe.
Once we discover someone’s trauma level, we are then able to have the accurate perspective in treating them versus simply going by what their memory can recall. The process of helping them recover their actual life story takes months if not years. It is serious work and can be dangerous if not handled with care and guidance. The relief and self-acceptance that you will experience though, makes the effort WORTH IT (Corbin and I know because we have gone through this ourselves).
The healing we offer is NOT for when you get a cold or injure yourself. It’s for the people that want to be ALL that they can be and align with their spiritual mission on Earth. If you are here to create change then you are here to- HEAL YOUR TRAUMA!! THAT IS part of your mission, and you CANNOT complete your mission without first going towards your life story, and healing the damage left behind! 
What we offer isn’t about achieving- money, a fit body, a better sex life, etc. (those are just an indirect benefit)… it goes FAR beyond that and is an investment into your future… your SOUL’s future.
That’s right, you will take the benefit that we offer with you when you pass on from this life. If you think you’re better off following the church’s protocol instead of your Higher Self for spiritual alignment… then you’re not the client for us.
The PATH will always be found inside of you, not externally.
Let us help you learn how to reunite with the unlimited power that you hold, by reconnecting you with your TRUTH, and clearing the trauma that stands in the way.
The choice, as always, is yours. 
-Katrina Woodville