Spiritual warriors, you are here to transmute evil.

Do you know how strong you have to be to face the truth about yourself? To go towards your shadow side instead of bury it even more? 

You need to have WARRIOR strength, and keep focused on WHY you are doing this work.

Many people want to help others, but you must first help yourself to be able to earn that role! You cannot bypass confronting your own demons. It is sad but true that most humans that try to focus on others are simply doing so to run from themselves. This will not work, it will in fact backfire and you will be able to help no one. 

We all have a shadow aspect of ourselves, which are the parts of us that we learned to repress to 'fit in' or be accepted. This starts when we are young and most cannot even remember why or when it occurred. Perhaps we had parents or caregivers that were overly critical of our emotions, so we learned to hide them. Or maybe we were only shown love when we performed with obedience, so we became obsessed with pleasing those around us. Another example is the parents that trained us to only be proud of ourselves when we achieved success, so accomplishments are our focus and we are therefore ashamed of our "failures". 

Whatever the specifics, out of fear of judgement or ostracism, humans learn to hide part of themselves and present a "perfect" version. This is unnatural though, as we all have unique desires and characteristics that we should learn to embrace. Some of them may be unhealthy, but we cannot heal, or transmute that which we deny. 

In order to reveal what lies inside us, we must understand what traits and patterns we have inherited, as well as brought with us from previous lifetimes. There is no stepping into your full potential without exploring these realities. 

To serve God, one must stand firm against evil.

Starseeds, you carry evil in your field, from generations back. You must FACE the dark energy within yourself and your family in order to triumph against it. The most dense energy comes from times of war, abuse in the name of religion and sexual perversion. Your grandparents, great grandparents, and so on, are usually NOT the people they would want you to believe they were (for some of you, your parents as well). Many of them did terrible things, or failed miserably, at the cost of their generational line.

YOU are here to learn the truth, and break the dysfunctional patterns. It takes immense strength and courage.

Are you staying blind, or facing the truth about your family line? When I encountered mine, I learned horrific things. It was shocking, disheartening, and made me feel sick to be related to such psychopaths. But, we aren’t flesh and blood, we are stardust and spirit.

Embrace who you truly are to transmute what you are not. You carry murder, rape, and child abuse energies in your field, from the moral crimes done to you in this life, other lives, as well as those you inherited. 

Are you willing to do the work to heal that in order to help humanity shift?

If so, we at CRUCIAL Healing can help.

Our Crucial Healing online course was designed to help female spiritual warriors learn how to become their own healers, so that they can clear their generational lines of this cancerous trauma. With these skills, they can clear the trapped emotional energy from themselves, their children and even start a career doing so. We believe it is a mothers' duty to do all that she can to ensure her childrens' happiness and spiritual success. This course and the lessons gained from it will help her do exactly that. 

The course, paired with working with us 1:1 is almost a guarantee that you will uplevel your life in ways you can’t even imagine! It’s not going to be easy, but it will be WORTH IT. This is what you came to Earth to do.

Sistar, it is TIME to heal. 

Visit this link to learn more-. www.crucialhealing.com 

-Katrina Woodville